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How to troubleshoot D-Link DI-604 or DI-624 router problems

For troubleshooting the D-Link router the user will have to use the lights on the front panel of their D-Link DI-624. It will help in diagnosing home network connectivity issues.

The user can also reach D-Link Support Australia for the assistance as well. Our technically sound and trained staff is available at your service 24/7 at our D-Link helpline number 1-800-954-282. We provide assistance for every router related issue.

Follow the steps explained below to detect or diagnose and check the possible solutions for every connectivity issues the user is experiencing.

dlink router support number

1. Is power on?

a. If the light is green- If modem power is on, then the user will see a green light? Move to step 2.

b. Not a Solid green light - It means the modem is not getting enough power. Make sure that it is plugged in properly to the wall outlet.

2. WAN light is illuminated or not?

a. Green Light- Go to step 3 if the user is able to see the green illumination. It shows that the connection between the router and Verizon online is created and established.

b. If the light is off- It simply means there is no connection between the router and Verizon Online is not connected properly.

3. Is any Local Network light illuminated if the D-Link is connected to the computer using an Ethernet cable (E1, E2, E3 or E4)?

a. Green light for the cable connected to port- Go to step 4 if you can see the green illumination. It means the connection between router and computer through Ethernet Cable is established.

b. Light off for the port where the cable is connected- It signifies no link between the modem and the system.

4. Is the WLAN light illuminated if the user's system uses a wireless network adapter to connect to a network?

a. Green Light- Move to next step as green illumination shows the wireless connection between computer and modem is established.

b. No Light- It means there is no link established between the computer and router.

5. Reboot the computer system and wait for 45 seconds and then turn it on. Recheck the lights of the modem.

6. Unlink all networked computers and restart the computer system which is connected to the modem. And then connect the other computer linked to it. Connect the other computer systems one by one to remove the issue.

Cannot connect router? Don’t worry! Call D-Link Router Support Australia for assistance and guidance

If the user cannot connect the router and computer system with the above mentioned steps, then they can dial to the experts of D-Link Support Number Australia for further help. Our experienced and trained technicians are there to help and guide you with every related issue. Our professionals are available 24/7 at the toll-free number as well 1-800-954-282.

Related Keywords:

Troubleshooting D-Link Wireless Network Issues

Troubleshooting D-Link DI-624 or DI-604 router issues

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